What is it that makes consumers want to buy from your website?


Online shopping has seen a dramatic shift due to the pandemic.$708 billionSpending online in 2020 was 18 percent more than in 2019. In 2020, 18 percent more money was spent online than in 2019. Brick-and-mortar stores had to adapt quickly in order to avoid going under.

The majority of 2020 was spent working with brick-and-mortar stores to build their ecommerce websites. They also increased their technology usage and used data to keep customers interested and ensure smooth operations. Now that 2020 is over, it's time for independent retailers to finish their websites and compete with the big retail chains.

Factors that Influence Consumer Purchasing Decisions

A new report was conducted byiAdvizeYouGov and, the most popular conversational platform used by retailers around the globe, surveyed 1,342 Americans to find out what factors were most influential in influencing shoppers' buying decisions. The most important factor was the opinions of other customers (69%) and the website's recommendations (31%).

These are just a few of the factors that can influence shoppers' shopping habits:

  • Chat with a human being - 27%
  • Online forums for specialists - 19%
  • 15% off a customer service telephone line
  • Expert recommendations - 15%
  • Chatbots - 11%

Shoppers Want to Talk with Humans Online

Customers expect a better customer experience when making a purchase decision. They also want to be able instantly to connect with someone online if they have questions. The report found that 61% of respondents would abandon a website that does not offer live chat, or a way to contact customer support immediately. 74% reported that they are more inclined to return to a store where they can instantly connect to a human via video chat or live chat.

Terrence Fox, iAdvize stated in a press release that "In a highly competitive online marketplace where Amazon is just a click away," consumers are turning to online stores that allow them to connect with a human to answer any questions and complete the sale. "People are becoming more isolated and forced to shop online, so the need for human interaction during shopping has increased."

Online forums for specialists

Many consumers use forums like Reddit to get opinions from others about products. Users can post questions on this social media platform asking for advice or opinions from other users. Anyone can reply. This is similar to customer reviews on ecommerce sites. Although retailers can't control what users say, it is important that at least some customer reviews are available so that shoppers can see past buyers' opinions about a product.

Expert Recommendations

Influencers are a great way to get brands noticed, especially during the pandemic. Online shopping has made it difficult for consumers to test products in person. Online shoppers cannot touch the product or feel how it fits. Influencers can help to bridge this gap and help consumers have an in-person experience.

Ryan Sauer, Director Digital Marketing at Ryan Sauer: "Influencers are a great way for your brand to get its products exposed to an audience but the brand must make sure that their audience has buying power."PowerChord", said. If a product is more valuable and expensive, the audience for the influencer must be the right demographic. This includes households income. The brand's products will not be seen by the right buyers if they aren't.


Chatbots provide three immediate benefits for customer service teams: quicker response times, higher agent utilization, and data collection about what customers want. Even though your FAQ page answers the majority of these questions, customers sometimes don't want to scroll through pages of information. Chatbots provide quick responses that satisfy customers, give them more information about your brand and prevent sales representatives from having to stop what they are doing.


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