No longer a technology miracle, GPS keeps making inroads into the everyday lives of a huge number of people. Many of them, such as taxi drivers and truckers, can no longer envision doing their jobs without being able to utilize the valuable guidance that GPS affords.

Among the most famous navigation app development masterpieces is a GPS-powered app named Waze, - a community-focused and driver-supported navigation app that was all the rage of late. The app furnishes a motorist with an imprint of the present traffic-related situation in the region and provides them recommendations on how to best reach their destination.

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In order to do so, Waze takes into account info on the current amount of traffic in the region. It utilizes information, submitted by other motorists, to warn the consumer of any obstacles, hindrances and dangers they may encounter, such as traffic jams, accidents, continuing road work and authorities road closures. The app is a lure both to advertisers, as it matches an audience in excess of 40 million consumers, and to IT entrepreneurs, as it demonstrates the profitability potential GPS could unlock.

How can someone who's contemplating navigation app development as their next IT investment boost their chances and create an app like Waze?

Identify the Industry Segment for Your Navigation App Development Effort and Your Navigation App's Worth to this Segment

The fact that GPS is an wonderful technology, capable of unlocking numerous chances, can be misleading to someone contemplating GPS app development.

There are multiple kinds of GPS navigation apps which, amongst others, include location-based shopping apps, location-based relationship apps, location-specific messaging apps and much more. It's easy to get lured into trying to encompass too much.

Actually, to create an app like Waze, you can take for a particular segment, or attempt to create something generic or comprehensive like Waze itself. Unless you would like to build something large, get specific about the goal outcome you're aiming to reach. Be careful not to lump together things that don't match one another. It's not likely the users of the automobile fleet management GPS app we have developed would love to see a roster of those fine arts galleries, located along the paths of the delivery trucks.

The above approach can help you avoid excessive costs on your navigation app development and reduce the frequently critical time-to-market.

Be Truly Comprehensive Inside Your App's Scope and In Relation to Its Purpose

Some things can only be appropriate for some particular navigation applications and purposes, while others are most likely to interest a wider audience. In actuality, there are things most people would appreciate to know or be interested in once they're in the region whatever the navigation app they're carrying.

Consider adding the following types of information if you find them applicable to the purpose of your GPS app:

  1. The crime rate in the region (by way of example, the crime rate by day and by night) and related information (a tourist application, an application for truck drivers).
  2. Weather forecasts and warnings (any navigation application).
  3. Public events, impacting traffic (any application).
  4. Local vacations (a tourist application).
  5. Infection outbursts (any application, a tourist application).
  6. Present and flower stores (a relationship navigation app).
  7. Ongoing or upcoming historical reenactments (a tourist navigation app).
  8. Tours and cultural villages (a tourist navigation app).
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Create the Map Your App Available in Offline Mode

The map is fundamental to any mobile app meant for navigation purposes. There are numerous things you must remember when creating one for your navigation application.

First of all, you don't need to leave your app's users with no navigational support when they find themselves in certain boondocks with erratic online coverage. Odds are this will happen someday if the map of your navigation app must be downloaded from the net. It's very important that the map be implemented as part of this app and be made available in offline mode.

Second, it would be wise to make a nocturnal version of the map: one with a black background and white lettering, - something that your audience would appreciate immensely.

Employ Location Identification and Related Relevant Search

You can assist the user by identifying their existing location and automatically displaying streets and objects in their area. It would also be a great idea to recognize the user's way of motion or let them indicate whether they're riding a car, a bike or just walking so as to show more relevant roads and items.

To Create an App Like Waze, Create the GUI of Your Navigation App Really User-Friendly

Navigation software is utilized in many different environments, situations and circumstances, the easiest situation being one-armed driving. Make the tabs and buttons of your app's large enough for convenient use in awkward conditions.

Implement Background Mode

Your navigation app must have the ability to run in background mode and provide voice recommendations to the consumer whenever required in this mode. Don't make your customers miss turns and drive extra miles just because they love listening to music while driving.

Employ Two Systems of Units

You may be amazed by how outlandish some of your regular things might seem elsewhere. Someone employed to measuring distances in km can truly be at a loss if he or she's given dimensions in miles. Be certain that you app supports both the Imperial and Metric systems of components.

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Employ the Navigation Map With a Slant

A regular map might not be too suitable to use in a moving automobile. A slanted map is, usually, much more usable in this environment. It enables a much better and more far-reaching perspective.

See If Artificial Intelligence Could Make Your App Better

Exactly like in many verticals and engineering areas, GPS-powered navigation is now, undergoing an Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolution. In order to not develop something which would be obsolete from day one, you have to research the possibility of improving it with AI.

So how do Artificial Intelligence render a traditional navigation app stronger and enhance the app's functionality?

There are numerous possible applications of AI in GPS navigation. With the support of the AI technology of Machine Learning, it's possible to derive insights from the consumer's previous experiences connected with various routes. This information can then be utilized to train the application to provide guidance once the user is thinking about taking a similar course.

Another terrific AI-driven attribute to add is displaying paths and, particularly, intersections with photographs to help drivers get their bearings.

Finally, AI will give your app conversational intelligence, in addition to the capacity to find out things on a gigantic scale using the net. Included in your navigation app, an AI-enabled digital assistant will immediately answer the user's questions. In so doing, it is going to rely on an abundance of information which it has gathered from the net and which no human comprehension holder can rival.

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