4 Basics for Multi-Site Operators

Restaurant technology is growing at a fast pace, as emphasized in PAR's current Restaurant Technology Trends Report, which makes data-backed decisions about which technology to deploy is crucial to survival in today's technology climate. Implementing new technology before caring for foundational commitments and with no data proof of its promise, is insecure.

Industry veteran Bob Nilsen noted,"Operators and brands that are thriving in this environment are evolving and implementing new approaches like everybody else, but they're laser-focused on monitoring, measuring, and reviewing their performance and how their performance affects guest experience and per shop profitability." Below are 4 important areas successful brands concentrate on meticulously.

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The Guest Experience

Consumers now are all about the experience, and wonderful tasting food is just part of the experience. While the guest experience varies radically depending upon the idea, certain core principles transcend concepts.

  • Brand Compliance: is the kitchen, dining area, and staff's appearance clean and well-kept according to brand standards? Do workers maintain processes and cultures to create the desirable guests' interactions with workers?
  • Throughput: Expected service times vary by theory, but in today's world of convenience, nothing may cause more frustration for a customer and more lost gain than wait times.

Increase Profitability

When it comes to increasing profitability, there are always external factors outside an operators control, but there are some things that you can handle without bothering the guest experience. Below are a few important things to watch.

  • Worker time theft: studies show that 10-15percent of fraud which happens in a restaurant stems from time theft. Make certain you have a system, rather automatic, set up to ensure hours worked matches hours .
  • Theft, in its many diverse forms, accounts for reductions between $3-$5 billion dollars in the restaurant sector annually. There are a range of different technologies it is possible to set up to prevent common offenders like brief ringing, enroll skimming, voids, refunds, and employee discounts. Cutting into this reduction adds directly to the bottom line.

With these areas, in addition to others, the trick is to get a restaurant management software to efficiently monitor, measure and review the impact to the bottom line caused by new approaches and technologies. It's crucial to choose technology vendors that perform well on your technology ecosystem with easy and friendly integrations, instead of a plethora of siloed databases that may not share data.

Nilsen added,"New technology platforms, much like SavI, that enable you the capability to accurately monitor inner thru-put in dine-in and other relevant concepts is something which has eluded operators for decades, that's now available. Combine this with its ability to cut into your reduction, and systems such as these are well worth the investment to some operator seeking to maximize profitability."

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